World shortage of dye and precursors

Due to circumstances out of our control, Hansson PyroTech AB hereby informs about an immediate need of adjusting the prices on the IKAROS smoke products.

The background is a devastating explosion in China on March 21 where the main part of the global production of dyes used for pyrotechnic smokes was located.

The Chinese authorities have temporarily closed down the whole industrial park in Jiangsu and we might now face a world shortage of orange dye for pyrotechnic smoke manufacture.

Before the production of dyes and precursors needed for dye manufacture are allowed to resume, the Chinese government demands increased safety and less pollution from the dye and dye precursor industries. This hopefully means a better situation for the workers and the environment in China, but a big uncertainty regarding availability, and definitely a severe price increase on the orange dye needed for IKAROS smoke products.

Therefore, we need to adjust our prices of these smoke products to cope with the changes that now are affecting our whole industry.

Of course the situation is very unfortunate and completely out of our control. The most important goal for Hansson PyroTech now, is to secure our production and keep our supply of IKAROS smoke products going to our customers.

We hope that we have your support and understanding in this difficult situation.